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The Student Health Service

At the Student Health Service you can come in contact with a nurse, a counsellor or a doctor. They offer counselling, courses and information. The Student Health Service is for all KTH students, including exchange students. They provide support and counselling in case you are not feeling well. It doesn´t matter if you don´t know why you are not feeling well, it may be physical and/or psychological. 

You can receive support and help with study-related difficulties by a qualified nurse and social counsellor in social, existential, medical and personal issues. The Student Health Service can also help you find and connect you with other health care services in Sweden. The Student Health Service are bound to confidentiality and free of charge for you.

More information and contact details is found here: https://www.kth.se/en/student/studentliv/kropp-sjal/studenthalsan/valkommen-till-studenthalsan-1.409886 

For issues that are not study related we recommend that you call 1177 where you can talk to a nurse and get guidance in where to go with your condition: https://www.1177.se/en/Stockholm/other-languages/other-languages/

In case of emergency always call 112!

Administratör Sara Sjögren skapade sidan 25 april 2019

Administratör Sara Sjögren ändrade rättigheterna 25 april 2019

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av administratörer.
Manja Schubert redigerade 29 augusti 2019

At the Student Health Service you can come in contact with a nurse, a counsellor or a doctor. They offer counselling, courses and information.

The Student Health Service is for all KTH students, including exchange students. They provide support and counselling in case you are not feeling well. It doesn´t matter if you don´t know why you are not feeling well, it may be physical and/or psychological.  You can receive support and help with study-related difficulties by a qualified nurse and social counsellor in social, existential, medical and personal issues. The Student Health Service can also help you find and connect you with other health care services in Sweden. The Student Health Service are bound to confidentiality and free of charge for you.

More information and contact details is found here: https://www.kth.se/en/student/studentliv/kropp-sjal/studenthalsan/valkommen-till-studenthalsan-1.409886 

For issues that are not study related we recommend that you call 08-1177 where you can talk to a nurse and get guidance in where to go with your condition: https://www.1177.se/en/Stockholm/other-languages/other-languages/¶

In case of emergency it alway call 112!¶