Till KTH:s startsida Till KTH:s startsida


Course registration

When you start your studies at KTH, you have to register online for the courses that you have chosen. Registration is done on your pages at kth.se if you go to Courses – Registrations – Web registration. Make sure to register before deadline. You can find the course registration periods on our website.

The registration is done for one period at the time, so please note that you can only register for the first period of the semester at the beginning of your studies. You will register for the courses in the second part of the semester before the courses start.

Online registration is required for almost all courses at KTH. The language courses and the thesis courses are however excluded from the online registration procedure. The teachers of these courses will inform you about the registration procedure for the course in question.

You have to contact the teacher or administrator of the course if the online registration deadline has passed and you need to register for a course late.

Registration for examinations

Registration is compulsory for all scheduled written examinations. You have to register your intent to sit the examination through the personal menu on KTH.se. Each examination has an individually defined registration period, normally about four to two weeks before the examination date.

Course registration is necessary to be able to register for the examination and for the results to be reported. If you are not able to register for an examination it may be because you are not admitted and/or registered for the course.

If you have any questions or problems regarding examination registration, please contact the course administration at the relevant department.