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Visa version

Version skapad av Mats Nordahl 2020-01-24 11:23

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Working process

The working process is something like this:

  • Locate an assignment that you think is suitable for a degree project. Discuss the assignment with the host institution and produce a written description of it.
  • Submit the description to the degree project coordinator for your degree project area in order to be assigned a supervisor and examiner. If you have already acquired a supervisor and/or examiner on your own initiative, be sure to notify the degree project coordinator.
  • The examiner approves the degree project assignment.
  • Follow the directions from the degree project coordinator for course admission and registration.
  • The supervisor convenes the first supervision session, whereby the structure of the supervision is established.
  • Make sure that a degree project agreement is signed (if you wish to have this security).
  • Begin the process by preparing a detailed specification and schedule for the degree project.
  • Get the detailed specification and schedule approved by a supervisor and examiner.
  • Work on the prestudy. You can also start with the actual work and the report.
  • The pilot study is examined in the manner indicated by the supervisor.
  • Do the practical work and write the report. Maintain contact with the supervisor.
  • Attend at least 2 degree project presentations to observe the process. Use this signature sheet to confirm your presence. Submit as paper or scanned to the degree project coordinator.
  • Act as opponent at a project presentation by another student. The procedure for signing up and serving as opponent is described here.
  • Undergo your public discussion and examination. Registration is required.
  • Apply finishing touches to your report. Review the content, language and typography. Use of the LaTeX thesis template found here is recommended.
  • Prepare your self evaluation.
  • Send your report to the supervisor for approval for presentation. Send the self evaluation to the supervisor.
  • When the supervisor is satisfied with the report, he/she must fill in their part of the evaluation document and submit this document and the thesis to the examiner.
  • When the examiner has approved, register with the degree project coordinator for presentation of your project. 
  • Present your degree project.
  • Implement any final adjustments in the report and submit it as a pdf. After the presentation, you have the opportunity to make changes to the report based on what the opponent thought, or new ideas you have had. The supervisor/examiner may require you to make some changes.
  • Submit the final report to the supervisor for final approval.
  • For Computer Science: Submit the report to the degree project coordinator for approval.
  • The report will be uploaded in Diva but administrative staff take care of this, since February 2019.

You must expect it to take more than 20 weeks from the start of the degree project to its approval. The supervisor and examiner need time to review the report. In addition, you may require time off for holidays, Christmas or exam preparation.

As the degree project is part of your educational programme, you must visit KTH from time to time.