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Second-cycle degree projects at CSC

The instructions on these pages apply to all degree projects worth 30 credits examined by CSC. General There are some goals and rules for degree projects in the KTH regulations that are common for all KTH programmes: http://intra.kth.se/styrning/regelverk/utbildning-forskning/grundutbildning/examensarbete/-over/examensarbete-overgripande-riktlinjer-1.636254

With these pages we will try to give you a picture of the requirements we impose and the support we can provide when you are undertaking a degree project at CSC. Degree projects are always conducted formally at the school: you have an examiner and a supervisor at the school, the school imposes requirements on the assignment, solution methods, the content and design of the report, and the degree project is approved by the school. However, the assignment can be obtained from an external principal and then the practical work is often performed there.

You must always contact the degree project coordinator for your area and register your degree project before you commence the work. The degree project coordinator for your area can be found listed under Contact.

Group supervision Group supervision and fixed starting dates normally apply. Degree projects are commenced on 2-4 occasions each year. Those students starting their degree project form groups of up to 6 students, and each group is given a supervisor. A report date is established from the beginning and the group then adheres to this schedule. There are joint supervision sessions, but individual supervision sessions also occur. The group members monitor and assess each other's work and receive constructive criticism, which can improve their own work.

There are degree projects that are not suitable for group supervision, e.g., degree projects abroad, but otherwise group supervision is used.

Note: It is not possible to present commenced or completed work and have it approved as a degree project.

Further reading There are several good books on writing degree projects/academic papers/technical reports. Two such books are “How to Write Dissertations & Project Reports (Smarter Study Skills)”. (McMillan and Weyers, 2010) and “Methods for engineering students - Degree projects using the 4-phase Model” by Pär Blomkvist & Anette Hallin (2014), Studentlitteratur.