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Här visas ändringar i "Grading" mellan 2015-06-09 09:46 av Mårten Malmqvist och 2017-03-17 10:40 av Olov Engwall.

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For DA221X, DA222X, DA223X, DA224X, DA225X and DA226X, it is obligatory to fill in:¶ The examiner evaluation in accordance with the evaluation template. The examinercompulsory to complete the examiner evaluation. For older courses (DD221X, DD225X, DD226X, DH224X, DM228X, DT220X), it is recommended to fill in the form.¶

As an examiner, you start from the student's self-assessment and the supervisors comments and comment upon it (briefly if the student's argumentation is valid). If you as examiner disagree with the supervisor's assessment that a certain criterion is fulfilled, ask the supervisor to tell the student to address the problem and then re-assess the criterion before sending it to the examiner again.¶

DA221X, DA222X, DA223X: Fill in the evaluation form that you have been sent by the student (template).¶

DA224X, DA225X, DA226X: Fill in the evaluation
form the public discussion and examinaat you have been sent by the student (template) according to the evaluation template.¶

The examiner for the opposi
tion is to complete an evaluation in Pre3of these criteria and send it to the examiner for the whole of the student's degree project, should this examiner be someone else.

For other degree project courses to be graded in the areas of Process, engineering and academic content, in addition to presentation, this evaluation should instead be completed. Support questions for grading can be found here.