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The student's self-evaluation of the degree project¶ Student:¶ Supervisor:¶ The yellow fields must be filled in¶ 1. Make a copy of the sheet¶ In this new sheet:¶ 2. The page and/or section of the report where the goal is dealt with is to be specified in column B¶ 3. In column C, specify how you have fulfilled each intended learning outcome¶ 4. Create a pdf (File > Download as > PDF > Selected Sheet> Fit to width > Page Layout: Landscape)¶ 5. Send this pdf to the supervisor together with your report (ready for presentation)¶ Process¶ Basis of assessment¶ P1¶ Question and conclusions thereon¶ The report: Question, Results and Conclusions¶ P2¶ Independence and planning¶ The specification and work process¶ P3 ¶ Evaluation¶ The report: Evaluation¶ Engineering and scientific content¶ Basis of assessment¶ IV1¶ Background knowledgeWhen you feel that the report is ready for presentation, you must complete the self-evaluation within the main area¶ Report: Theory, Background, Discussion¶ IV2¶ Method selection and application¶ Report: Method selection and application¶ IV3¶ The work's contribution¶ The report: Results, Conclusions¶ IV4¶ Awareness of ethical, social and sustainability aspects¶ The report: Introduction and discussion¶ Presentation¶ Basis of assessment¶ Pre1¶ Written report¶ The report: entire¶ Pre2¶ Ability to orally present and discuss the work¶ Oral presentation¶ Pre3 ¶ Peer feedback: Ability to immerse oneself in other projects and solutions¶ Public discussion and examination of other degree projects¶ help of this template. You are to send this as a pdf to your supervisor along with the report.¶