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For supervisors

For supervisors of degree projects at CSC

You are an important person for your degree project student. The degree project is a large and important part of the educational programme at KTH, where the degree project student gets to experience working with a real and relatively large-scale problem.

The main information on degree projects at CSC can be found under For students.

In addition, these pages provide supplementary information and advice to supervisors.

Group supervision

Aside from exceptional cases (degree projects abroad, special circumstances), degree projects are supervised at CSC through group supervision.

Group supervision means that the group and the supervisor meet on a number of scheduled occasions during the work period and discuss the degree project work together. Attendance at these meetings is compulsory. Should a student miss something, it is up to the supervisor to determine how he/she shall catch up with the work. Aside from these group meetings, you are to offer the degree project students the opportunity to meet with you on their own and discuss the degree project.

Working process

A group consists of up to six degree project students, and everyone in the group has the same supervisor. Groups start in conjunction with the start of each period. In some cases, this is only at the start of the spring and autumn semester. A date for presentation is established at the very start.


Degree project reports are public documents. CSC publishes them online, unless the student explicitly opposes this. We must be able to show that we made the right decision when we passed the student – the examination must therefore be legally secure and transparent. We cannot therefore examine a document that is subject to secrecy.

Sometimes a principal wants parts of the report to be confidential and/or wants the supervisor to sign a confidentiality agreement.

  • In examining the degree project, only public parts of the report are subject to examination. The student and principal can agree to the work also being reported in an internal report, where sensitive company information is included, but the KTH examination is based solely on the report that is made public.
  • Supervisors employed by KTH do not sign confidentiality agreements.