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Version skapad av Kris Granholm 2014-03-17 16:17

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Task description

Task descrition for the thesis

The description of the thesis assignment should include the following elements:

1. BACKGROUND/PREREQUISITES: Why and where will the practical part of the thesis be carried out?

2. SCIENTIFIC QUESTION: A thesis should examin a specific scientific/technical subject. Enter tentatively:

  • The QUESTION that will be examined.
  • RELATIONS TO RESEARCH/DEVELOPMENT: Describe how the task relates to current research or development. Explain why the issue is of interest and for whom?
  • RESEARCH METHOD: How should the given question be examined?
  • HYPOTHESIS: What are possible/probable outcomes of the study?
  • EVALUATION: How can one determine whether the goal of the thesis is met and if the question has been answered sufficiently?

3. THE THESIS AUTHOR'S BACKGROUND: Describe what knowledge (courses and/or experience) you have that makes this an appropriate assignment for you.

4. for thesis work at a company: MENTOR AT THE COMPANY: Describe who will mentor you at the company and what role they will have and what their involvement in the exjobb will be.

5. DEMARCATIONS/RESOURCES: what is already available with the client in the form of previous works, software, skills etc?

The description is to ensure that there is adequate preparation so that the thesis author won't have to do all the practical work from the ground up, leaving no time left for the scientific investigation.