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Här visas ändringar i "Degree project checklist" mellan 2015-06-08 13:13 av Mårten Malmqvist och 2020-03-11 12:35 av Mats Nordahl.

Degree project checklist

1. Title and summary
* The title clearly describes the report.
* The summary reflects the content of the report. Both English and Swedish summaries are provided.
2. Introduction
* The question is easy to identify, the project''s purpose and objective are clear.
* The problem (and the student''s contribution) has defined limits, its relevance is justified and put in context.
3. Background
* The student displays knowledge of theoretical background and previous related work (significant literature is mentioned and relevant material is used).
* The background is coherent and relevant.
4. Methods
* The choice of method is justified.
* Relevant methods are clearly described and supported by references.
* The methods are used correctly, the technical content is at an appropriate level.
5. Results (objective observations)
* The results achieved in the project are structured in a logical manner and clearly illustrated (tables, charts, etc.).
* Suitable data analysis or examination has been performed in a technically correct manner.
6. Discussion and conclusions (subjective analyses)
* The main findings are highlighted and critically evaluated against the background of the study''s assumptions and limitations.
* The project results are interpreted or discussed in a broader context; opinions and personal comments are well founded and supported by the results.
* The conclusions are reasonable, concrete and correspond to the question.
7. The report - general characteristics (written presentation)
* The report is coherent and focused on the problem; the project''s objective is achieved and the question is supported by the content
* The presentation style is well suited to the intended readers (it should be comprehensible and relevant for Master''s students with basic, but not necessarily detailed, knowledge of the subject area).
* Tables and graphs are used in the report and referred to in the text; table description and captions are clear and informative
* The content is well structured and the language in the report is at an appropriate level (follows technical/academic standards)
* Spelling, grammar and formatting are at a good level