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Version skapad av Mats Nordahl 2020-03-17 14:11

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Covid-19 related information for master's thesis students

Because of the covid-19 situation, KTH is now moving to remote teaching only, see:


The procedures around computer science masters theses have been revised because of this (specifically, this applies to students registered under course codes DA231X and DA239X). The intent is that these instructions will remain in place as long as KTH directives recommend changes to normal procedures. However, details may be changed at any time in accordance with changes in directives.

The aim is to the largest extent possible ensure that the masters thesis work can continue uninterrupted and be presented according to normal schedule.

Project work

Students encountering any substantial difficulty in carrying out their thesis work, such as closure of workplaces resulting in difficulties in accessing essential resoures (data, computers, etc), or a lack of supervision at a company, should contact both their supervisor/examiner and the thesis coordinators. Supervisors and examiners have been encouraged to be flexible and think of possibilities of resolving this, e.g., though reasonable changes in assignments that help students in finishing their work.

All students are recommended to immediately make a contingency plan for the time period until June taking different scenarios into account, and in particular think through what arrangements will be needed to finish their assignment by working at home.

Supervisors carrying out group supervision should hold group meetings online using Zoom. https://www.kth.se/en/student/kth-it-support/work-online/webbmoten-zoom/zoom-1.893273

Students doing their thesis work in KTH research groups with individual supervision should come to suitable arrangements for remote supervision together with their supervisor.

Examination: presentation, opposition and attendance requirement

Thesis presentations will currently be arranged entirely online, both for students doing their thesis work abroad and local students.  Additional instructions will be given and details of the presentation agreed upon between student, examiner and thesis coordinator when the student is scheduled for presentation. Zoom is recommended for thesis presentations online, but in some case Skype can be an alternative for presentations (both have been tried with adequate results).

Note that presentations must still be scheduled and advertised by the thesis coordinator, in particular so that other students can find and attend the presentation online. The procedure for registering for presentation is unchanged, see


Presentations will be announced on http://www.csc.kth.se/~ann/MSC-PRESENTATIONS/2020/aktuellt.html, where instructions and a link for joining presentations as audience will be given for each presentation.

The oral opposition should also be carried out online. The signup procedure for opposition is unchanged, see https://www.kth.se/social/group/examensarbete-vid-cs/page/public-discussion-and-examination/

Students are still required to attend two thesis presentations, but this should also be done online. The physical form with signatures documenting attendance will temporarily not be used. Students should state what presentations they have attended on their self-evaluation form, which will be accepted as documentation during this period.

Please address any questions to datalogiexjobb@eecs.kth.se


Mats Nordahl / Ann Bengtsson  (thesis coordinators)