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Version skapad av Magnus Jansson 2020-03-24 14:12

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Course round VT2020

General Information

  • There will be 9 lectures and 9 sets of written homework assignments. A peer grading procedure will be applied. At the end of the course the participants will be asked to present a relevant topic extending the curriculum of the course.
  • The first part (9 lectures) of the course coincides with the MSc level course EQ2820 Matrix Algebra, 7.5 cr.
  • Examiner and Course responsible:Magnus Jansson
  • Lectures will be held by Mats Bengtsson and Magnus Jansson
  • Course literature: "Matrix Analysis 2nd ed" by R.A. Horn and C. R. Johnson. We will also use some parts of "Topics in Matrix Analysis" by the same authors, but it should not be strictly necessary to buy this book (it is available online)  + lecture slides
  • Grading: Pass/Fail
  • Number of credits: 10 ECTS

Course requirements

  • Weekly homework assignment, to be solved and reported individually according to schedule. Each problem is graded according to 0 points (0-40% correct), 1 p (40-60% correct), 2p (60-80% correct), 3 p (80-100% correct). A total of at least 80% of max score on the total of all sets is required (written or oral exam if homework is not satisfactorily solved).
  • Peer grading of assigned problem sets
  • Oral presentation of assigned topic and active participation during other students presentations

Lecture schedule

For the first 9 lectures, please see the schedule of the MSc level course EQ2820 Matrix Algebra, 7.5 cr.

The topics and schedule for presentations will be determined during the course. (We will think how this part of the course will be executed in the present situation.) 

Suggested dates for presentations: 

  • ? TBA

Lecture slides 

  1. Lecture 1: 
  2. From now on we refer to the Canvas course room for up to date information:

Homework assignments

  1. Homework assignment 1 : hw1.pdf (due 26/3, 13:00) 
  2. From now on we refer to the Canvas course room for up to date information: