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Här visas ändringar i "Talks" mellan 2015-12-11 17:46 av Akshaya Thippur Sridatta och 2015-12-11 17:47 av Akshaya Thippur Sridatta.

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Talk 1: Speaker: Prof. Arvind Kumar (CB) <Link> Talk 2: Supernovae and the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe: Speaker: Prof. Ariel Goobar (Stockholm University) <Link> Our understanding of the cosmos has changed drastically over the last two 17 years by the discovery that the expansion of the Universe is speeding up, rather than slowing down, as would have been expected from the attractive effect of gravity. This rather poorly understood phenomenon, dubbed "dark energy", was first discovered measuring distances using supernovae as "standard candles", and has since then been confirmed using multiple techniques. Supernovae remain among the best tools to study the cosmic composition and the properties of "dark energy".

I will describe ongoing projects carried out by our group at the Oskar Klein Centre, as well as technological challenges we are confronting, including the need for fast response pipe-lines and machine learning algorithms.

Talk 3: Deep Learning Speaker: Prof. Stefan Carlsson (CVAP) <Link>

Talk 4: Self-confidence Speaker: Prof. David House (TMH) <Link> Self-confidence plays an important role in many aspects of life, but it can be argued that it is critical for creative endeavors in the arts and sciences. In this talk, I will present some personal experiences, thoughts and reflections about the role of self-confidence in obtaining a PhD. I plan to touch upon some dynamic aspects of self-confidence during the typical life-cycle of a PhD student and discuss how the ebb and flow of self-confidence can be influenced by criticism, recognition and encouragement from both authorities and peers. I will also speculate a bit about the approach to self-confidence taken by such great scientists as Galileo Galilei, Carl von Linné and Marie Curie. Were they plagued by troubles and doubts which kept them awake at night? Finally I will present some thoughts about the relationship between self-confidence and self-discipline and how encouraging these traits combined with humor can serve to form an important prerequisite for creativity and discovery within a successful PhD program. The session will continue with contributions from the participants concerning factors influencing self-confidence within the PhD program.

Talk 5: The Art of Living Society Speaker: TBA <Link> Talk 6: Academic careers, my own and some general thoughts Speaker: Prof. Johan Håstad (TCS) <Link>