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Version skapad av Francisco Eli Viña Barrientos 2015-11-09 09:52

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Speaker: Prof. David House (TMH)

Self-confidence plays an important role in many aspects of life, but it can be argued that it is critical for creative endeavors in the arts and sciences. In this talk, I will present some personal experiences, thoughts and reflections about the role of self-confidence in obtaining a PhD. I plan to touch upon some dynamic aspects of self-confidence during the typical life-cycle of a PhD student and discuss how the ebb and flow of self-confidence can be influenced by criticism, recognition and encouragement from both authorities and peers. I will also speculate a bit about the approach to self-confidence taken by such great scientists as Galileo Galilei, Carl von Linné and Marie Curie. Were they plagued by troubles and doubts which kept them awake at night? Finally I will present some thoughts about the relationship between self-confidence and self-discipline and how encouraging these traits combined with humor can serve to form an important prerequisite for creativity and discovery within a successful PhD program. The session will continue with contributions from the participants concerning factors influencing self-confidence within the PhD program.

Deep Learning

Speaker: Prof. Stefan Carlsson (CVAP)

Talk 3

Speaker: Prof. Arvind Kumar