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Sustainable Energy Engineering

Sustainable Energy Engineering Track 

When you choose the Sustainable Energy Engineering track in the DD program, you are selecting courses offered within the Sustainable Energy Engineering(SEE) master program at the Department of Energy Technology, KTH. The department is a part of the ITM school (Industrial Engineering and Management).

Obligatory courses that you should follow : 

  • Obligatory course MJ2510
  • Ethics and Sustainability II2210

Profiles in the SEE program : 

SEE program comprises of 3 study profiles:

  • Energy Supply through Clean Conversion Technologies

  • Energy in Buildings and Cities

  • Energy System Analysis 

Although you as a DD student is not obliged to strictly follow one of these profiles, it is advised that you do so to gain a comprehensive knowledge in your chosen profile. 

Course List:

Course list from the SEE Master 

Thesis :

It is also recommended that you select a thesis related to energy technology with strong connection to sustainability aspects. 

Study Plans :

At the beginning of your studies at KTH and in the SEE program, you are requested to send in the duly filled Study Plan DD students to the Deputy Program Director of SEE Chamindie.Senaratne@energy.kth.se .

If you would like to change your study plans later on or you have any other issue regarding your studies please contact Chamindie.

Contact :

You will be invited to a kick-off meeting with the SEE master program directors and also the students who are just starting the program when you first get admitted to KTH (your first semester at KTH, and in end of August). Thereafter you will always be invited to all the events at SEE program. 

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Administratör Chamindie Senaratne ändrade rättigheterna 15 februari 2023

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