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Version skapad av Anne Håkansson 2015-05-18 19:40

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Presentation seminar

To find information about current presentation and opposition seminars, use the link below. This website is also used to announce upcoming seminars.

Link: Presentation och opposition seminars

To make a reservations for presentation and opposition seminar, please use the link:


(Observe - date and time must be approved by the examiner for the thesis, opponent and the opponent's examiner).

Procedure for the presentation seminar is as follows:

1. The presenter, i.e., author of the thesis, presents the work for 20 minutes. Preferably, interesting and relevant pieces of information (for project and master thesis) is given during the seminar. (All students should have read the thesis before the seminar so it may not necessary to give all details at the presentation.)

2, The opponent gives feedback for 15 minutes. The opposition report must be handed in to the examiner, the presenter's examiner and own examiner not later than the day before the seminar. Also, out of courtesy, take one printed copy of the opposition report to the seminar and give it to the presenter. Template for the opposition report can be fetched from Bilda.

3. Active listeners shall ask at least one question each. The students that act as active listeners should have looked at the thesis before the seminar. Do not forget that you should be active listners on, at least, two other seminars, beside the own presentation seminar and opposition seminar (i.e., four in total).

4. Make sure that you get your assessment report signed! It is the examiner of the presenter that is signing the documents.

Assessment template can be fetch here: Assessment template, Degree projects