Forms: Application form, Project Proposal, Thesis, Opposition
To start the degree project course, an application form (registration form) and a project proposal must be filled in and handed in via Canvas. Project proposal shall be handed in, not later than, 10th of Dec 2017 (to be able to start VT 2018). For content in project proposal, see guidelines in the project proposal template, below, and Overview page.The application form is handed in after it is signed, for more information see guidelines below.
Download the application form (registration form) and the project proposal, see below:
Application form for Degree Project:
Do not forget that the application form (first page, also called Part 1) must be signed by the administrators before handing in the form. The application form must be uploaded in Canvas- preferrable together with project proposal to get an examiner - but - not later than the course starts in January, period 3. Not before the application form is handed in, an examiner will be appointed.
If Part 1 is signed, hand in this part. If both Part 1 and Part 2 are signed, you can hand in the entire application form.
Do not forget that the second page (Part 2) must be filled in by the examiner before the degree project course can be registrered.
Also, when both Part 1 and Part 2 of application form are signed, please hand in the entire application form by dropping it in the wite post box, outside the Drop-In room, next to the reception desk, 3rd floor, between A-elevator and B-elevator.
Template for Project Proposal.
Please hand the Project proposal in Canvas.
Template for Thesis, Word and Open source:
- Template for Thesis - Word
- Template for Thesis - Open Source
Opposition report:
Support for selecting Methods and Methodologies
För svensk version, vad god se: Formulär: registrering-projektforslag/