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Announce /Find opponent for degree project

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Administratör Anne Håkansson skapade sidan 21 april 2015

kommenterade 4 april 2016

Dear Anne Hakansson, 

Iam doing my master thesis in Ericsson at linkoping location.

I wanted to be Opposition for some master student thesis who will be presenting in this month. 

Kindly let me know if any master student is planning to present his thesis in this april month and he/she is looking for opposition. 

Next month I will have my thesis presentation, So I will have an experience of helping another master student thesis report quality.

My Mail Id is :  gkas@kth.se

Kindly let me know.

Thanks in Advance


Administratör kommenterade 7 april 2016

Dear Gokul!

I am sorry but I do not know anyone that is presenting the master thesis, without an opponent but there are some that are almost ready for presentation.

Can you please send an email to my email account, and discuss the matter?

Best regards,
