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Här visas ändringar i "ML Sessions 2018" mellan 2016-03-18 14:05 av Judith Butepage och 2016-03-28 15:00 av Cheng Zhang.

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Planned Readings

Deep Learning #3 - 7 April 2016 ADVERSARIAL AUTOENCODERS- Goodfellow et.al (2016)¶

Deep Learning #2 - 24 March 2016 Represenation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives - Vincent et. al. (2014)

Deep Learning #1 - 10 March 2016 Deep Learning - Hinton et. al. (Nature, 2015)

Applications of Probabilistic Numerics and Bayesian Optimization (25 February 2016) Jim Holmström, Erik Ward:"Designing Engaging Games Using Bayesian Optimization"Silvia Cruciani, Ali Ghadirzadeh:"A Bayesian Exploration-Exploitation Approach for Optimal Online Sensing and Planning with a Visually Guided Mobile Robot"Cheng Zhang, Judith Butepage:"Improving Object Detection with Deep Convolutional Networks via Bayesian Optimization and Structured Prediction"

[IMAGE]Anastasiia Varav, João ... de Carvalho"Metrics for Probabilistic Geometries"

Yanxia Zhang, Puren Guler"Robots that can adapt like animals"