Course Announcement: SF3580 PhD level course in numerical linear algebra

The PhD-level course "Numerical linear algebra" will be offered this term starting in November 2016. This course is primarily intended for PhD students in the graduate program Applied and Computational Mathematics at KTH, and anyone with a background in mathematics, applied mathematics and/or computation is certainly welcome to participate.

If you are interested in participating, please,

The course is a superset of the master-level course SF2524 in the sense of homework and lectures. The first lecture is on November 1. Additional lectures only for SF3580 will take place in January. If you are a PhD student and attended SF2524 when you were a master-student, special rules will apply.

The course focus is on theory and computation for algorithms in numerical linear algebra, in particular eigenvalue problems (Krylov methods, QR-method, structured methods), linear systems of equations (GMRES, CG, BiCG), matrix functions (matrix exponential, Schur-Parlett method, Krylov methods, exponential integrators), matrix equations (Lyapunov/Sylester equation, Bartel-Stewart algorithm, KPIK). PhD students are expected to complete the programming tasks of homework in the programming language julia.

The course will contain one individual project either closely related to the material of the course, or the research of the student.

More information can be found on
