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In English

Please follow the instructions below
* First, watch this video: Zoom - joining a meeting
* Use headphones with a microphone.
* Try out Zoom in this Test meeting
* When it is your turn, the teacher will email you a link that you can use to connect to Zoom.
Queue here

Please write your email address in the Location box. Write a post to ask about the general tutors. The general tutor at EECS offers extra help regarding programming. We are located on the fourth floor of the main building's E wing.

The tutor is available twice daily throughout the semester. Generally, the hours are 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. but check the current schedule for exceptions. During the summer and winter holidays the schedule is more restricted.

* Current schedule
* Previous schedule
* Next schedule
Note! The general tutor uses the academic quarter. That is, in order to have time to walk from previous lectures or classes, the tutor may not arrive until 15 minutes after the hour — the 5 p.m. session will then start around 5:15 p.m.

Looking for lab exams? The general tutor does not handle exams (labbredovisningar), but we can help you with the problems and help you find lab assistants who can handle the exam. See also EECS's lab week and drop-in hours for lab exams.

Summoning the general tutor Help is available onver Zoom, (and occasionally in the lab rooms on fourifth floor in the E wing). Please use button at the top of this page to queue. No help by email.

There is only one tutor available each shift. If you are kept waiting, this is probably because previous questions have taken a long time to solve.

When not in the terminal rooms, the tutor can be found in room 1456 (the “glass cage”) between lab rooms Gul and Grön558 between lab rooms Violett and Turkos (fifth floor in the E wing).

Who are the general tutors? In 2022/2023 the general tutors are: Edvard All, Felix Almay, Erik Dalsryd, Mona Lindgren, Dilvan Sabir and Marko Petrovic¶ All tutors can answer questions regarding bachelor's level courses in programming and computer science at EECS. For help on more advanced topics, you may want to seek out a particular tutor — but it never hurts to ask whoever is available. See the

For de
tabile below to find a tutor for a specific subject.¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ Felix Erik Marko Ted MATLAB x x x Python x x x C x x x Java x x x C++ x x x SQL x x adk x - computer organization x x numerical analysis x x programming paradigms x programming techniques x x x prolog applied CS x xd information, please see table on the Swedish version of this page.¶

x Felix Erik Marko Ted