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Version skapad av Sara Borgström 2024-02-20 16:25

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Nature based solutions in Järfälla

Rethinking Jakobsberg. A multi-faceted approach to nature-based solutions implementation. 
By Siqi Xiong and Izabella Ståhl

Due to climate change cities will face challenges such as heat stress, flooding, and
biodiversity loss. A possible way to mitigate these challenges is to retrofit Nature Based
Solutions (NBS). This project was conducted in the Autumn term of 2023 at KTH in liaison
with Järfälla municipality. The aim of the project was to explore how NBS are currently used
in the municipality in Jakobsberg, what NBS could be added to mitigate challenges created
by climate change, and finally to explore the perspective of citizens living in Jakobsberg.
These three aspects were assessed using a multi-modal methodology. Firstly, looking at
previous research on how NBS can be implemented to help the urban adaptation to climate
change. Secondly, a site visit was conducted to better grasp the implementation of NBS in
Jakobsberg. Thirdly, a policy analysis was conducted in order to assess how the municipality
was using NBS in Jakobsberg and Järfälla. Finally, a Facebook survey was conducted in
order to collect the perspectives of people living in Jakobsberg. The results showed that NBS
played a focal role in some of the municipal plans, yet there was a gap between
implementation and citizen expectations. We suggested that this could be remedied with the
application of other types of NBS as suggested by citizens and previous literature. Citizen
involvement in both the planning process and the implementation and maintenance of NBS
was also found to be a possible source of community engagement that could be better utilised
by the municipality. As a final note, Jakobsberg and Järfälla seem to have nature at the heart
of their policy, and the citizens were very clear that nature is an integral part of their home.
By using NBS the municipality could better protect nature crucial to Jakosberg, while also
benefiting the citizens living there, creating an urban area where humans and non-humans
thrive alike.

Visual communication
Project report.

Assessing the SVIKT-project. Implemented nature-based solution in Järfälla municipality. 
By Emmy Strömsten and Lukas Nygren

Restoring Bällstaån. Exploring nature-based solutions for eutrophication remediation. 
By Mathilda Lindström and Emma Hermansson

High on Greenery. The potential of green roofs for supporting accelerated climate transition goals in Järfälla municipality. 
By Rafael Tanada and Tobias Willebrand.