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Vecka 45 2013 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 4 nov 13:00-15:00 Course overview & Lecture QO1
HT 2013
Plats: FA32

General overview of the courses SK2400 & SK2401 + Lecture QO1: The Schrödinger equation.  Harmonic oscillator analytically. Hermitian operators. Quadrature operators. Bra, ket. Commutator. Ref. 'PM Dirac formulation.pdf' (cf 'literature' section)

Tis 5 nov 13:00-15:00 Lecture QO2
HT 2013
Plats: FB52

Modes and states. Indistinguishability. Bosonic commutator. Uncertainty principle. Density operator. Harmonic oscillator with operators. Ref. 'PM Dirac formulation.pdf'

Fre 8 nov 13:00-15:00 Lecture QO3
HT 2013
Plats: FA32

Temporal dynamics. Schrödinger and Heisenberg picture. The coherent state. Thermal state, mode density, blackbody radiation. Ref. 'PM Dirac formulation.pdf'

Vecka 46 2013 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 11 nov 13:00-15:00 Lecture QO4
HT 2013
Plats: FA32

The phase-shifter. Beam-splitter. Photo detector. Interferometer. Ref. 'PM Dirac formulation' (check course 'literature' section). Ref. 'PM Dirac formulation.pdf'


Tis 12 nov 13:00-15:00 Lecture QO5
HT 2013
Plats: FB54

Phase insensitive amplification. Linear loss. Parametric (phase-sensitive) amplification. Ref. 'PM Dirac formulation.pdf'

Tors 14 nov 13:00-15:00 Lecture QO6
HT 2013
Plats: FB52

Analysis of a contemporary experiment: Quantum teleportation, Quantum cryptography, Quantum erasure, Delayed choice, Quantum non-demolition measurement? Literature (research paper & notes) distributed at the lecture

Fre 15 nov 10:00-12:00
HT 2013
Plats: FB42
Vecka 47 2013 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 18 nov 13:00-15:00 Lecture EO1 - Electromagnetic optics
HT 2013
Plats: FA32

From Maxwell's equations to the Wave Equation. The Helmholtz equation. Monochromatic fields and complex amplitudes. Optical materials: constitutive equations. Lorentz' classical electron model. (Yariv's textbook - Chapter 1: Electromagnetic fields and waves - par. 1.1-1.4 + Chapter 5: Interaction of radiation and atomic systems -par. 5.2-5.4)

Tis 19 nov 13:00-15:00 Lecture EO2 - Rays and optical beams
HT 2013
Plats: FB54

Ray optics. Paraxial ray propagation. ABCD formalism. Optical beams. Paraxial wave equation. Gaussian beams: key parametres and propagation. (Yariv's Chapter 2)

Tors 21 nov 13:00-15:00 Lecture EO3 - Guided waves
HT 2013
Plats: FB53

Guided modes. Ray picture. Electromagnetic description. Modes of a symmetric slab waveguide. Waveguide mode excitation. Examples of waveguides and fabrication techniques. (Yariv chapter 3)

Vecka 48 2013 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 25 nov 10:00-12:00 Lecture EO4 - Optical resonators
HT 2013
Plats: FA32

Modes in optical resonators. Axial and transverse resonances. Resonator losses (Q-factor, photon lifetime). Open resonators and stability condition (Yariv's chapter 4)

Tis 26 nov 13:00-15:00 Lecture EO5 - Light-matter interaction
HT 2013
Plats: FA32

3D electromagnetic mode density. Atomic transitions (cross-section and lineshape function). Homogeneous and inhomogeneous line broadening.Spontaneous emission, stimulated emission and absorption rates. Optical amplification. (Yariv's chapter 5)

Tors 28 nov 10:00-12:00 Lecture EO6 - Laser oscillation
HT 2013
Plats: FB52
Vecka 49 2013 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 2 dec 13:00-15:00 Lecture EO7 - Nonlinear optics
HT 2013
Plats: FB52
Tis 3 dec 13:00-15:00 Lecture EO8 - Nonlinear optics
HT 2013
Plats: FB54
Tors 5 dec 13:00-15:00
HT 2013
Plats: FB54
Vecka 50 2013 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 9 dec 08:00-10:00 Lecture EO9 - Optical modulators
HT 2013
Plats: FB54
Tis 10 dec 13:00-15:00 Lecture EO10 - Optical pulses
HT 2013
Plats: FA32
Tors 12 dec 13:00-15:00 Lecture EO11 - Advanced topic
HT 2013
Plats: FB54
Fre 13 dec 13:00-15:00
HT 2013
Plats: FB54
Vecka 51 2013 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 17 dec 10:00-12:00
HT 2013
Plats: FB54
Ons 18 dec 10:00-12:00
HT 2013
Plats: FB54
Tors 19 dec 13:00-15:00
HT 2013
Plats: FB54
Fre 20 dec 13:00-15:00
HT 2013
Plats: FA32