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Vecka 43 2012 Visa i Mitt schema

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Mån 22 okt 08:00-10:00 Overview of the course + QE lecture 1
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB54

General overview of the course.

The Schrödinger equation. Hermitian operators. Harmonic oscillator analytically. Bra, ket, operators. Uncertainty principle.

Tis 23 okt 08:00-10:00 QE lecture 2
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB54

Indistinguishability. Modes and states. Density matrix. Creation and annihilation operators. Bosonic commutator.  Harmonic oscillator with operators.

Fre 26 okt 15:00-17:00 QE lecture 3
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB54

Schrödinger and Heisenberg picture. Temporal dynamics. The coherent state. Thermal state, mode density, blackbody radiation. Phase and phase-difference operator.

Vecka 44 2012 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 29 okt 08:00-10:00 QE lecture 4 ( EO lecture 1)
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB54

EM waves (short  recap) – The wave equation. The polarization (Lorentz model). Plane waves.   Ray optics.

Gaussian beams – The   paraxial wave equation. Gaussian beams & their properties/parameters. ABCD-law.

Tis 30 okt 08:00-10:00 QE lecture 5 ( EO lecture 2)
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB54

Optical resonators – Basic   concept & figures of merit (modes, resonances, linewidth, Q-factor).   Fabry-Perot  etalon and spherical   mirror resonators.

Tors 1 nov 13:00-15:00 No lecture
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB54
Fre 2 nov 15:00-17:00 QE lecture 6 ( EO lecture 3)
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB54

Modulators – Light  propagation in anisotropic media. Electro-optic and acousto-optic effects.

Distribution of first Home Assignment

Vecka 45 2012 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 5 nov 08:00-10:00 No lecture
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB54
Tis 6 nov 08:00-10:00 QE lecture 7
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB54

The phase-shifter. The beam splitter. The photo detector. The interferometer.

Fre 9 nov 15:00-17:00 QE lecture 8
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB54

Analysis of a contemporary experiment: Quantum   teleportation, Quantum cryptography, Quantum erasure, Delayed choice, 2012 year's Nobel prize in Physics?

Vecka 46 2012 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 12 nov 10:00-12:00 QE lecture 9 (EO lecture 4)
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB54

Light-matter   interaction– Spontaneous emission. Stimulated emission. Einstein’s A and B   coeff. Line broadening

Tis 13 nov 08:00-10:00 QE lecture 10 (EO lecture 5)
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB54

Lasers – Laser  action. Rate equations. Pumping.

Fre 16 nov 15:00-17:00 QE lecture 11 (EO lecture 6)
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB54

Lasers – Mode-locking   and  Q-switching. Common lasers.

Distribution of Home Assignment Set  2

Vecka 47 2012 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 19 nov 08:00-10:00 QE lecture 12 (EO lecture 7)
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB54

Nonlinear Optics – The nonlinear polarization. From Maxwell equations to the coupled-wave equations.


Tis 20 nov 08:00-10:00 QE lecture 13 (EO lecture 8)
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FA31

2nd order nonlinear optics – Second harmonic generation. Phase-matching.

Fre 23 nov 15:00-17:00 QE lecture 14 (EO lecture 9)
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB55

2nd order nonlinear optics – Optical parametric generation, amplification and oscillation.

Vecka 48 2012 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 26 nov 08:00-10:00 QE lecture 15
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB55

Phase insensitive amplification. Linear loss. Parametric   (phase-sensitive) amplification

Tis 27 nov 08:00-10:00 QE lecture 16 (EO lecture 10)
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FD41

Optical waveguides –  Basic principles. TE and TM modes in slab waveguides.    Channel waveguides and optical fibres.


Tors 29 nov 13:00-15:00 No lecture
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FD41
Fre 30 nov 15:00-17:00 QE lecture 17 (EO lecture 11)
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB55

Mode coupling –  Coupled-wave analysis. Periodic medium - Bragg reflector. Directional coupler. Waveguide in- out- coupling.

Vecka 49 2012 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 3 dec 08:00-10:00 QE lecture 18 (EO lecture 12)
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB55

Analysis of a contemporary experiment.

Tis 4 dec 08:00-10:00 No lecture
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB55
Tors 6 dec 13:00-15:00 No lecture
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB55
Fre 7 dec 15:00-17:00 No lecture
HT 2012, 50536
Plats: FB55