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Version skapad av Marinus Versteegh 2017-09-08 09:59

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Problem classes

During 2017 the problem classes will be given by Katharina Zeuner, M.Sc. (zeuner@kth.se).


A brief summary of the theory and useful formulas can be found here:

SK2300 Summary.

The document is split up to match the problem classes.

Problems and solutions

All problems that are treated during the problem classes can be downloaded from the link below.

SK2300 Problems and solutions


You can find the problem class schedule under the tab 'schedule' here to the left, or in the table below:

Fri 1 Sept 13-15 FB54 EM waves
Fri 8 Sept 13-15 FB55 Reflection, thin lenses
Fri 15 Sept 13-15 FB53 Thin lenses, beam limiters
Fri 22 Sept 13-15 FB55 Thick lenses, superposition
Fri 29 Sept 13-15 FB52 Polarization, birefringence
Fri 6 Oct 13-15 FB54 Interference
Fri 13 Oct 13-15 FB53 Diffraction