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Ändringar mellan två versioner

Här visas ändringar i "Problem classes" mellan 2014-09-11 17:05 av Jakob Larsson och 2014-09-25 10:07 av Jakob Larsson.

Visa < föregående | nästa > ändring.

Problem classes

During 2014 the problem classes will be given by Jakob Larsson (jakob.larsson@biox.kth.se).

You can find the problem class schedule under the tab 'schedule' here to the left.

Summary A brief summary of the theory and useful formulas can be found here:

SK2300 Summary.

The document is split up to match the problem classes.

Problems and solutions All problems that are treated during the problem classes can be downloaded from the link below. Solution guidelines are available for a few of the problems, but more might be added later on so be sure to check for updates every now and then.

SK2300 Problems and solutions (updated 2014-09-1125: solutions for session 23)