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Passing the Optical Physics course requires performing successfully performingboth:

* Laboratory tasks - during the course (2 lab sessions, 4 topics), 2.0 credits, grade scale: Pass/Fail
* Final examination - at the end of the course, 4.0 credits, grade scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F
Laboratory tasks Lab sessions are run throughout the course, starting from week 39. Lab instructions should be downloaded and studied before the actual lab time. They encompass four sets of experiments:

* Principal planes
* Microscopy
* Michelson interferometer
* Fourier optics Examples of Fourier optics in Matlab: FourierLabCircles.m, FourierLabGratings.m, FourierLabFiltering.m
Each lab session lasts four hours and comprises two experimental sets (1 & 2 and 3 & 4). Sign-up sheets to allocate the lab slots among course attendants will be distributed in week 37.

Final examination The final exam takes place in week 44. The exam is written and consists of six tasks which mostly require a combination of knowledge from different chapters. The textbook, notes, old exams, calculator (not computer because of WLAN risk) and a handbook of your choice are recommended aid on the exam.



5,0 - 6,0


4,1 - 4,9


3,5 - 4,0


2,8 - 3,4


2,2 - 2,7

Can be completed to E within 8 weeks from exam

0,0 - 2,1

F, Fail