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The final grade in the Optical Physics course is assessed through :

* Laboratory tasks - during the course (2 lab sessions, 4 topics), 2.0 credits, grade scale: Pass/Fail
* Final examination - at the end of the course, 4.0 credits, grade scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F
Laboratory tasks The l Lab sessions are run throughout the course, starting from week 39. Lab instructions should be downloaded and studied before the actual lab time. They encompass four sets of experiments:

* Principal planes
* Microscopy
* Michelson interferometer
* Fourier optics Examples of Fourier optics in Matlab: FourierLabCircles.m, FourierLabGratings.m, FourierLabFiltering.m
Final examination

Each lab session lasts four hours and comprises two experimental sets (1 & 2 and 3 & 4). Sign-up sheets to allocate the lab slots among course attendants will be distributed in week 37. ¶

Final examination The final exam takes place in week 44.
The exam is written and consists of six tasks which mostly require a combination of knowledge from different chapters. The textbook, notes, old exams, calculator (not computer because of WLAN risk) and a handbook of your choice are recommended aid on the exam.



5,0 - 6,0


4,1 - 4,9


3,5 - 4,0


2,8 - 3,4


2,2 - 2,7

Can be completed to E within 8 weeks from exam

0,0 - 2,1

F, Fail