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Final grades require performing successfully on the:

* Laboratory tasks - during the course (4 lab sessions, 4 topics), 2.0 credits, grade scale: Pass/Fail
* Final examination - at the end of the course, 4.0 credits, grade scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F
Laboratory tasks Lab sessions are run throughout the course. Lab instructions should be downloaded from Canvas and studied before the actual lab time. They encompass four sets of experiments:

* The optical microscope. Teacher: Dr. Ying Fu.
* The Michelson interferometer. Teachers: Dr. Marijn Versteegh, Dr. Lily Yang, Dr. Ali Elshaari.
* Fourier optics. Teachers: Dr. Marijn Versteegh, Dr. Lily Yang, Dr. Ali Elshaari.
* Entangled photon pairs. Teachers: Prof. Dr. Val Zwiller, Katherina Zeuner, M. Sc., Lucas Schweickert, M. Sc.
Each lab session lasts four hours.

The labs take place in the following rooms in Albanova:Microscope: C2:3061 and C2:3063. Michelson interferometer: C2:3065. Fourier optics: C2:3067. Entangled photons: E2:1014 (lab opposite of E2:1009). To find the labs, walk through the central hallway of Albanova. After passing the restaurant on level 3 on your left side, go through the first glass doors on your left and go down the stairs to level 2. From there, follow the signs that I will put up. Remember that the labs start at the full hour and not quarter past.

Final examination The final written exam takes place on October 25th in room FB51 from 14:00 until 19:00 (five hours). You are allowed to bring a calculator and any handwritten notes (your own notes from lectures, problem classes, labs, etc., and also handwritten lecture notes of the teachers). You are not allowed to bring any books or other printed texts. You are also not allowed to bring a computer or phone or any other communication device.¶

At the written exam you will get questions about the topics discussed in the lectures, the labs, the problem sessions, the covered chapters of the book (Hecht, Optics, 5th ed.), and the numerical simulation exercises



5,0 - 6,0


4,1 - 4,9


3,5 - 4,0


2,8 - 3,4


2,2 - 2,7

Can be completed to E within 8 weeks from exam

0,0 - 2,1

F, Fail