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Version skapad av Marinus Versteegh 2017-09-08 09:57

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Final grades

require performing successfully on the:

  • Laboratory tasks - during the course (4 lab sessions, 4 topics), 2.0 credits, grade scale: Pass/Fail
  • Final examination - at the end of the course, 4.0 credits, grade scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

Laboratory tasks

Lab sessions are run throughout the course. Lab instructions should be downloaded from Canvas and studied before the actual lab time. They encompass four sets of experiments:

  1. The optical microscope. Teacher: Dr. Ying Fu.
  2. The Michelson interferometer. Teachers: Dr. Marijn Versteegh, Dr. Lily Yang, Dr. Ali Elshaari.
  3. Fourier optics. Teachers: Dr. Marijn Versteegh, Dr. Lily Yang, Dr. Ali Elshaari.
  4. Entangled photon pairs.

Each lab session lasts four hours. 

The labs take place in the following rooms in Albanova:
Microscope: C2:3061 and C2:3063.
Michelson interferometer: C2:3065.
Fourier optics: C2:3067.
Entangled photons: E2:1014 (lab opposite of E2:1009).

To find the labs, walk through the central hallway of Albanova. After passing the restaurant on level 3 on your left side, go through the first glass doors on your left and go down the stairs to level 2. From there, follow the signs that I will put up. Remember that the labs start at the full hour and not quarter past.

Final examination

The final written exam takes place on October 25th.



5,0 - 6,0


4,1 - 4,9


3,5 - 4,0


2,8 - 3,4


2,2 - 2,7

Can be completed to E within 8 weeks from exam

0,0 - 2,1

F, Fail