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2008-2014 (2008 - VT14)

All course info and study material are found below. All examination is online in Bilda via Lounge (prior and including VT15; new course layout from ST15). ---

This net-based course covers the theory of special relativity, early and modern quantum mechanics, as well as provides an introduction to atomic, molecular, laser, solid state, nano-, nuclear, particle, astrophysics and cosmology. The course is based on lecture series given at KTH for programs M, T, E and F since the 80-ies and has continuously been updated with the latest in physics.

Contents and study material Part 1 Chapters 1-2: Special Relativity, problems & solutions Chapters 3-4: Early Quantum Mechanics, problems & solutions Chapters 5-6: Schrödinger equation, problems & solutions

Part 2 Chapters 7-8: Atoms and molecules, problems & solutionsChapters 9-10: Solid State and Nano-physics, problems & solutions

Part 3 Chapters 11-12: Nuclear physics, problems & solutionsChapters 13 & 14: Particle and astrophysics, problems & solutions

Errata for problem solutions. Examination and grading The course material and examination is subdivided into 3 parts (TEN 1,2,3), each containing example problems with solutions. The study goals and reading hints are given in each of total 14 chapters. Each part (TEN) gives 3hp and is examined via 10 multiple choice problems (Part A), 5 short exam problems (Part B), and 5 longer problems with hand-in solutions (Part C). The entire course credit of 9hp consist of the sum of the points from the three parts (TEN1+TEN2+TEN3).

TEN 1,2,3 3hp, max 30p: 30-28p Grade A; 27-25p Grade B; 24-22p Grade C; 21-19p Grade D; 18-15p Grade E; <14p Grade F. Part A grade of > 50% is required for proceeding to Parts B and C.

Final 9hp, TEN1+TEN2+TEN3, max 90p: 90-83p Grade A; 82-74p Grade B; 73-63p Grade C; 62-55p Grade D; 54-45p Grade E; 44-0p Grade F.

Other books and links
* Thornton, Rex, Modern Physics, Saunders
* Krane, Modern Physics, Wiley
* Beiser, Concepts of Modern Physics, McGraw-Hill
* Serway, Moses, Moger, Modern Physics, Saunders
* Eisberg, Resnick, Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids and Particles, Wiley
* Blatt, Modern Physics, McGraw-Hill
* Halliday and Resnick, Fundamentals of Physics, Wiley
* Hyper Physics Internetbook
* Periodic table
* Isotope table
* Physical constants
L.-E. Berg, O. Launila, V. Korenivski, KTH-Physics 2006-2014.--- Questions? See Course flow chart and read this first.Antagning.se in English: www.universityadmissions.se/intl/start