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Här visas ändringar i "Projects 2017" mellan 2016-04-25 13:41 av Chong Qi och 2016-05-02 13:06 av Chong Qi.

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Projects 2016

Literature survey and presentations

* Pairing models and solution of the BCS
* Tamm-Dankoff Approximation, Random Phase Approximation and applications
* Complex eigenvalue problem, continuum and halo nuclei
* Solution of the Schrödinger and Dirac equations and the spin-orbital coupling
* The effect of the spin-orbit coupling in many-body systems
* Validity of the Geiger-Nuttall law for nuclear alpha decay
* Structure of hypernucleus and strangeness degree of freedom
* Effective field theory and nucleon-nucleon interaction ESTEVEZ Dimitri
* Evolution of the nuclear shell structure
* Rotation and Vibration in molecules and atomic nuclei.
* Seniority symmetry and applications
Computational subjects

* Nuclear shell model and Lanczos approach for the eigenvalue problem with C++, Fortran or others
* Density functional theory and numerical realization of the Hartree-Fock approach with Fortran or others
* Exact solution of the pairing with mathematica or Python
* Astrophysical process, heavy-Element Nucleosynthesis and r-process simulation with Java
* Random Phase Approximation and Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation calculations with Fortran