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Version skapad av Philipp Schlatter 2016-01-25 19:15

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Submit your homework (as PDF) using KTH Social using the link "Assignments" on the left menu at the latest on Thursdays at 12:00. Questions etc. should be asked in KTH Social on this page. In case of problems or that you do not have the link to submit, please hand in the homework via email (erikbos@mech.kth.se or jcanton@mech.kth.se). 

Please use the following naming convention: "surname_hwX.pdf" and the Matlab files as a single archive: "surname_hwX.zip". X is the number of the homework.

Now, the submission using the online system should work for all course participants (including PhD students). Please try, and in case of troubles let us know.

Use only a single pdf and a single archive for your homeworks. Preferably scan your homework, if you take a photo, make sure it is sharp and bright. 

  • Homework 1, due 28/1: HW1.pdf (update of task 3c)
  • Homework 2, due 4/2: HW2.pdf
  • Homework 3, due 11/2: 
  • Homework 4, due 18/2:
    Matlab templates: 

  • Homework 5, due 25/2: 
  • Homework 6, due 2/3: 
    Matlab templates: 

  • Project, due 23/3: 
    Matlab templates: