Homework Assignments
Assignment 1 (due 13/9 in the beginning of the class). 2.5 Exercises: 2.3, 2.5, 2.8, 2.15
3.5 Exercises: 3.2, 3.7
Assignment 2 (due 27/9 in the beginning of the class).
Assignment 3 (due 11/10 in the beginning of the class).
Assignment 4 (due 08/11 in the beginning of the class (i.e. at 16:15, notice the time!) ).
Assignment 5 (due 29/11 in the beginning of the class): Exercises 4.18, 5.12, 5.15, 5.16, 5.18 from the course book [BV].
Here is Handout 6 that you need for Assignment 4.