
You are receiving this email because you are registered or partially registered in the course SF2524 Matrix computations for large-scale systems. The first lecture for SF2524 is on Tuesday, October 31.

I have two requests before the first lecture:

  • We use canvas in this course. In order to follow the course and get complete access to the canvas pages, you need to register for the course. This is done by you, and can usually be done directly through the web (via your personal top gray bar on the top of this page).
  • I would like you to have a look at the file background.pdf and do the quiz background on CANVAS preferably before the first lecture. The topics in background concern things which students in some universities have seen before, and some of you have not. The quiz is for your training only. It can be done as many times as you like and will not be counted to any form of grade.

Future messages will only be sent through the CANVAS system and not posted on KTH social.

On behalf of the teachers (me and Parikshit Upadhyaya), I wish you very welcome to the course,
