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Här visas ändringar i "Homeworks" mellan 2016-03-07 21:58 av Yen-Hsi Richard Tsai och 2016-04-04 09:56 av Yen-Hsi Richard Tsai.

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Homeworks There will be five homework sets. You are encouraged to work in groups of two.

For each homework set a written report of good quality should be handed in no later than the given deadline. Add your Matlab code as an appendix to the report. The homework is graded and each set gives a maximum of 3-5 points, in total at most 20 points for all five sets. A homework problem is considered as "solved" if at least half of the maximum points are obtained after grading. Note that there are NO possibilities to hand in any corrections after the grading.

The homeworks will be posted here during the course. The due dates listed below are subject to change.

* Homework 1: Deadline Mon. Feb 8, 2016. For the convergence parts, check the notes on numerical convergence.
* Homework 2: Deadline Mon. Mar 7, 2015.
* Homework 3: Deadline Mon. Apr 4, 2015.
* Homework 4: Deadline Mon. Apr 25, 2015.
* Homework 5: Deadline Mon. May 23, 2015.
Report The reports should be clearly written and easy to read for the grader. For plots in your report, make sure you

* label axes correctly
* explain what the plots show
* combine plots so that comparisons are easy.

Here are some additional guidelines how a report should be prepared.

How to hand in reports Reports MUST have a cover page with author names, course code (DN2521) and homework number, and instructor name. The reports can be handed in by

* e-mailing a link to your TA (Giampaolo, gmele@kth.se) where your or pdf-files can be downloaded, or
* e-mailing your TA (Giampaolo, gmele@kth.se) that a paper version has been deposited in the mailbox utside the student expedition at Mathematics, Lindstedtsvägen 25, entrance floor.