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Welcome to the course Packaging Materials!

The course is given by the Department of Solid Mechanics, KTH Engineering Sciences in collaboration with the Department of Fibre and Polymer Technology, KTH Chemical Science and Engineering. Laboratory work on paper and board testing will be carried out at Innventia AB.

In this course you will learn

  • about the components of the packaging system and demonstrate how these influences the design of packages,
  • to select suitable material and technology for manufacturing of a particular type of packages,
  • about the properties of a packaging material based on the structure and chemistry of the materials, and
  • how the results from mechanical testing of packaging materials relate to relevant fundamental solid mechanics parameters.

In the laboratory work you will design a paperboard packaging. Testing of the most important material parameters will be carried out in one of the labs and your design will be verified by testing of real packages made of the same material. In the laboratory work you will also also use computer based tools to analyse packaging logistics systems.
