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Version skapad av Maria Fernanda Gomez Galindo 2012-09-17 16:44

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Prof. Semida Silveira welcomes the new students that will be joining us for the Master Course on Energy Policy Design (MJ2473) during the 2012 fall semester.

In this course, we look into energy planning and policy, as well as policy implementation processes. Our purpose is to evaluate how energy policies are defined and implemented and institutions and markets are created to promote and develop sustainable energy systems. Studied examples include mainly Europe and developing countries.

The opening class was held together with students from the Climate Change Mitigation Tools on August 28th. We have so far developed a number of lectures connected to basic policy concepts focusing on energy systems.

On Aug. 30th, we defined the course content and assignment guidelines.  We also looked at an example of a country’s energy profile.

On Sep. 4th, we defined energy policy and its objectives.

On Sep. 6th, we discussed the sustainability aspects in Swedish energy Policy.

On Sep 11th, students presented their findings on different country’s energy profiles.

On Sep 12th, students analyzed the European Renewable Energy Directive.

On Sep. 14th, we discussed energy policy instruments to promote renewable energy deployment.

From now on we will use KTH Social and Bilda as complementary tools for course homepages. All questions can be handled here at KTH Social or through Bilda. Course materials are all available in Bilda.

Please, in order to find your way around the campus remember to use the KTH Classroom Search Engine available at:


Looking forward to see you soon,

Brijesh Mainali and Maria Gómez

Course Assistants