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Modellering av energisystem - kraft och värme produktion

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Course contents

The MJ2438 course is structured in the form of a group project based on computer simulation activities, to be implemented using a modeling tool for thermal power generation and energy conversion system analysis. In some cases, the projects might have clients from industry.
The course begins with introductory lectures and seminars for grasping the simulation software tool and defining the project plan. Then, the project is initiated and conducted as a teamwork in small groups, while follow-up workshops are held to provide support and guidance. The course ends with a final seminar, where the results of the project are presented in a form of oral presentation and written report.

Intended learning outcomes

After successfully completed course the student would be able to: 

1. Formulate the simulation schematics and develop skills  for computer modeling of complex thermal energy conversion cycles and systems.
2. Analyze the layout, simulate the performance and evaluate the sensitivity parameters for various integrated heat and power or polygeneration cycles and systems. 

For more information - please see the course description in the main KTH website: 


