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Jet propulsion engines are widely used in air and sea transport. The present course focuses exclusively on airbreathing jet propulsion engines for aircraft use.

Air transport would not have experienced the extemely steep rise over the last decades without the introduction of airbreathing jet propulsion engines in the mid of the 20th century and the subsequent rapid advances in engine performance. Turbomachines play a central role in such engines and are used throughout the various stages of the underlying thermal cycle.

The present course gives firts an introduction to the propulsion principle of airbreathing jet propulsion engines highlighting the role of turbomachines. Thereafter, the basic theory of turbomachines is taught linking over to analyzing various turbomachinery based jet propulsion cycles. At the end of the course, the students shall be able to perform a preliminary design of a jet propulsion engine including the preliminary design of the turbomachinery components involved.