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Vecka 3 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Tors 21 jan 08:00-17:00 Course Introduction
VT 2016

NB: 10:00-12:00 in GLADAN, Brinellvägen 85

Vecka 4 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 25 jan 08:00-17:00 Start Up Workshop
VT 2016

NB: 09:00-17:00 in B242 where we start.

Tors 28 jan 08:00-17:00 No scheduled events.
VT 2016

Time for project work in teams or individually. No rooms are booked.

Vecka 5 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 1 feb 08:00-17:00 No scheduled events.
VT 2016

Time for project work in teams or individually. No rooms are booked.

Tors 4 feb 08:00-17:00 (This post is replaced by the one below)
VT 2016

13:00-17:00 Time for project work in teams or individually. No rooms are booked in the afternoon.

Tors 4 feb 09:00-12:00 Branding Lecture+ Q&A
VT 2016
Plats: Q15

09:00-12:00 In Q15

Mia Hesselgren will give a lecture about branding. There will also be time for questions regarding your assignments for brand platforms.

13:00-17:00 Time for project work in teams or individually. No rooms are booked in the afternoon.

Vecka 6 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 8 feb 08:00-17:00 Lecture: The Designers Mixerboard
VT 2016

10-12 in B242, Brinellvägen 83.
Teo will make an introduction to this design tool. You will then make an exercise in your brand teams.
13:00-17:00 Time for work in brand teams with the mixerboard. No rooms are booked in the afternoon.

Tors 11 feb 08:00-17:00 You will present your mixer board exercise plus attend a lecture on Circular Economy:
VT 2016

You will present two groups at the time;
(8-10 nothing scheduled)
10-11 Hilti+Hertz in B242, Brinellvägen 83.
11-12 Fiskars+Plantagen in B242, Brinellvägen 83.

13-15 Lecture Circular Economy with Thomas Nyström. AT INNVENTIA (Innoversum), Drottning Kristinas väg 61 (at KTH Campus)


15-16 Tesla+Muji in B242, IN GLADAN, Brinellvägen 85.
16-17 IKEA+Ralph Lauren, IN GLADAN, Brinellvägen 85.

Vecka 7 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 15 feb 08:00-17:00 Tutorials Brand platform with Mia
VT 2016

Tutorials Brand platform
You will have tutorials with Mia in the afternoon, two groups together;
(8-12 nothing scheduled)
13-14 IKEA+Ralph Lauren in Riskan, Brinellvägen 85.
14-15 Tesla+Muji in Riskan, Brinellvägen 85.
15-16 Fiskars+Plantagen in Riskan, Brinellvägen 85.
16-17 Hilti+Hertz in Riskan, Brinellvägen 85.

Tors 18 feb 08:00-17:00 Tutorials Brand platform with Teo
VT 2016

You will have tutorials with Teo two groups together;
(8-10 nothing scheduled)
10-11 Hilti+Hertz in Riskan, Brinellvägen 85.
11-12 Fiskars+Plantagen in Riskan, Brinellvägen 85.

13-14 Tesla+Muji in Riskan, Brinellvägen 85.
14-15 IKEA+Ralph Lauren in Riskan, Brinellvägen 85.
(15-17 nothing scheduled)

Vecka 8 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 22 feb 08:00-17:00 (Projektarbete)
VT 2016

Time for project work in teams or individually. No rooms are booked.

Tors 25 feb 08:00-17:00 Final presentation Brand platform
VT 2016

(8-10 nothing scheduled)
10-17 With Teo and Mia in Gladan, Brinellvägen 85.
You should attend all presentations.

Vecka 9 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 29 feb 08:00-17:00 Projektarbete
VT 2016
Anmärkning: 8-12 Time for project work in teams or individually. No rooms booked. 13-14 lecture by Lars Wingård and Per Johansson in M311, Brinellvägen 68, 2nd floor. 14-16 computer lab (see below)
Mån 29 feb 14:00-16:00 ••• WILL BE MOVED TO PM! Computer Lab- CAD Surface modelling
VT 2016
Plats: Kloker, Toker

With Lars Wingård and Per Johansson

Tors 3 mar 08:00-17:00 ••• UPDATED! Hand in Brand Platform+ Seminar CAD
VT 2016

(8-10 nothing scheduled)
10-12 Seminar CAD Surface Modelling in Gladan, Brinellvägen 85. With Teo plus Marcus Rudbäck, Zound Industries.
(12-17 Time for project work in teams or individually. No rooms are booked.)

This is the point when you hand in your final-final brand platform as a PDF. This delay will give you the opportunity to incorporate issues that have been discussed at the final presentation.
In the seminar 10-12 we will discuss CAD modeling in professional life. Our guest is Marcus Rudbäck. He has a background as a tool-maker (formbestämmare) and is now design director at Zound Industries.

Vecka 10 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 7 mar 10:00-12:00 Computer Lab- CAD Surface modelling
VT 2016
Plats: Kloker, Toker

With Lars Wingård and Per Johansson

Tors 10 mar 08:00-17:00 Tutorials Individual project
VT 2016

(8-10 nothing scheduled)
10-17 With Teo in Earnen, Brinellvägen 85. Tutorials will be in groups.
> More info will follow.

Vecka 13 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Tors 31 mar 08:00-17:00 Human Centred Design
VT 2016

Course starts with lecture, see below

Tors 31 mar 10:00-12:00 Human Centred Design
VT 2016
Plats: M31

10-12, Lecture, Introduction to course

OBS! Order the course book asap!
”Research Methods for Product Design”, Alex Milton & Paul Rogers. from Amazon or Bokus

Vecka 14 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 4 apr 08:00-17:00 Human Centred Design
VT 2016

10-12, Lecture, how to work with surveys, B242

Mån 4 apr 13:00-16:00 Human centred design
VT 2016
Plats: M35

13-16, workshop, create a survey pilot, M35

Tors 7 apr 08:00-17:00 Human Centred Design
VT 2016

10-12, Guest lecture, Yngve Sundblad, Gladan
13-16, coaching i groups, parallel sessions with Sara, Earnen
and Martin.Gladan

Vecka 15 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 11 apr 08:00-17:00 Human Centred Design
VT 2016

10-12, Lecture, Contextual interview, observations and more., Gladan
13-16, Workshop, make interview guide

Tors 14 apr 08:00-17:00 Human Centred Design
VT 2016

9.30-12 Coaching in groups, Riskan

9.30 Wood chipper
10.00 lawn mover
10.30 robotic mover
11.00 Hedge trimmer
11.30 Blower

Vecka 16 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 18 apr 08:00-17:00 Human Centred Design*
VT 2016

10-12, Lecture, Analyses and mapping. Evaluating concepts. Gladan

* 13-16 Optional tutorials individual project with Teo.
We will be in B313, Brinellvägen 83. You get one floor up, and wait in the ”lobby” where I can pick you up.
Please sign up at doodle: https://doodle.com/poll/syrcdaxsutwz2xzh

Tors 21 apr 08:00-17:00 Human Centred Design*
VT 2016

9.30 Wood chipper
10.00 lawn mover
10.30 robotic mover
11.00 Hedge trimmer
11.30 Blower
* 13-16 Optional tutorials individual project with Teo.
We will be in B313, Brinellvägen 83. You get one floor up, and wait in the ”lobby” where I can pick you up.
Please sign up at doodle: https://doodle.com/poll/syrcdaxsutwz2xzh

Vecka 17 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 25 apr 08:00-17:00 Tutorials Individual project in Brand Groups with Teo
VT 2016

8-17 (see below) there will be tutorials in Brand Groups where I expect you all to show up. We will be in B313, Brinellvägen 83. You get one floor up, and wait in the ”lobby” where I can pick you up.

We will within your brand groups discuss your individual design of your gardening tools. Please bring printouts and sketches on paper rather than digital in order to get a better flow and a better overview.

This is the schedule. We start ”sharp”, no ”Akademisk kvart” this time ;)
You will have aprox 50 min per group including (my) breaks.

08:00 Hertz
09:00 Plantagen
10:00 Tesla
11:00 Fiskars
13:00 Ralph Lauren
14:00 Muji
15:00 IKEA
16:00 Hilti

Tors 28 apr 08:00-17:00 Human Centred Design
VT 2016

13-16, Presentation of work. 15 min/group.

Vecka 18 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 2 maj 08:00-17:00 Human centred design
VT 2016

10-15.30 Examination workshop, planning a user-study.

Vecka 19 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 9 maj 08:00-17:00 Introduction mini-TED at INDEK
VT 2016

KTH INDEK, Sing-Sing Plattan, Lindstedtsvägen 30
Course introduction. You will have three short lectures relevant for the task. You will also have time to meet in the groups to frame your pitch and to plan your meetings through the course.
* We start sharp, no "Akademisk kvart" this time.

Tors 12 maj 08:00-17:00 Individual design, Final presentation
VT 2016

The final presentations will be Thursday May 12 in Gladan, Brinellvägen 85 (not may 9 that was the original plan). In order not to make it too long (for you ;) we make it in two sets as below. You are expected to participate in the full set with your brand. If you want, you are also welcome to participate in the other set, but this is not mandatory.

Each brand will have 45 minutes. Each student will have 4 minutes to present their design followed by 4 minutes of feedback. This would allow us some 5 minutes to discuss the overall design coherency in your brand.

To be clear on the time schedule; You should arrive 08:00 and 13:00 respectively to post your pages on the wall. The presentations starts 08:15 and 13:15. Please respect this since the schedule is too tight for late arrivals!

SET #1:
08:00 Hilti
09:00 Plantagen
10:00 Tesla
11:00 Muji
SET #2:
13:00 Ralph Lauren
14:00 Fiskars
15:00 IKEA
16:00 Hertz

Vecka 20 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 16 maj 08:00-17:00 Tutorials mini-TED at KONSTFACK
VT 2016

Konstfack, E1, LM Ericssons väg 14, Telefonplan
Tutorials in groups with Teo, Magnus and Niklas.

Schedule for tutorials:

09:00 Group A
09:30 Group B
10:00 Group C
10:30 Group D
11:00 Group E
11:30 Group F
12:00 Group G

Note: The room E1 is hard to find and access, so the Konstfack students will pick you up at the entrance some five minutes before your tutorials.

Bonus: After tutorials you can take the opportunity to look at the Konstfack Spring Exhibition where the students present their degree projects.
* We start sharp, no "Akademisk kvart" this time.

Tors 19 maj 08:00-17:00 Project work mini-TED
VT 2016

No scheduled events

Vecka 21 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 23 maj 08:00-17:00 Final presentation mini-TED at MMK
VT 2016

KTH Machine Design, B242, Brinellvägen 83
Final presentation and feedback in two sets. You only need to participate in "your" set, but you are most welcome to attend both.

Schedule for the presentations:

09:00* Group A
09:40 Group B
10:20 BREAK
10:40 Group C
11:20 Group D

12:00 LUNCH

13:00* Group E
13:40 Group F
14:20 BREAK
14:40 Group G

* We start sharp, no "Akademisk kvart" this time.