Till KTH:s startsida Till KTH:s startsida

Course Program

See also Course Plan for details on syllabus, examination conditions, course main content, eligibility, prerequisites, etc.

Teaching Team

  • Jad El-khoury (course responsible), jad@kth.se, 08-7906877
  • Martin Edin Grimheden (examinor), mjg@kth.se, 08-7907797
  • Björn Möller (faculty), bjornm@md.kth.se, 08-7908072
  • Vicki Derbyshire (course administrator), vickid@kth.se, 08-7908505

Mailing Lists

  • Teaching team: mdahk_teachers@md.kth.se
  • All course participants: mdahk_2015@md.kth.se

Facilities and addresses

  • Lectures are given either in ‘KTH-central" or ‘Machine Design’ lecture rooms.
  • Laboratory exercises and group work are given in the ‘Machine Design’ building, Brinellvägen 83.
    • The labs are located in rooms Wenström, Von Neumann & Hanson.
    • All course participants are given access to the building upon registration.
  • Refer to the schedule for latest updates on session locations.

Examination Conditions

Examination in this course consists of:

  • PRO3 - Project, 1.5 credits, grade scale: P, F
  • PRO4 - Project, 4.5 credits, grade scale: P, F
  • TEN1 - Written exam, 3.0 credits, grade scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

PRO3 - Project, 1.5 credits, grade scale: P, F

A pass (P) grade is awarded when each of the following activities is satisfactorily performed:

  • Kick-off project
    • Active participation in the kick-off development project.
  • A set of quizzes, laboratory exercises and group work

These activities are scheduled to be performed under Period 3

PRO4 - Project, 4.5 credits, grade scale: P, F

A pass (P) grade is awarded when each of the following activities is satisfactorily performed:

  • Development project
    • Active participation in the group development project
    • Satisfactory individual contribution to the group project reporting (oral presentations, written reports, etc).
  • In-depth research
    • Active participation in the In-depth research work
    • Satisfactory individual contribution to the in-depth research reporting (oral presentations, written reports, etc).

These activities are scheduled to be performed under Period 4.

TEN1 - Written exam, 3.0 credits, grade scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

The exam will be held on the course content of Period 3.


The final course grade consists of:

  • 50% - The exam results from TEN1
  • 40% - The development project reporting from PRO4
  • 10% - The in-depth research reporting from PRO4


06 January 2015