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Course Program

See also Course Plan for details on syllabus, examination conditions, course main content, eligibility, prerequisites, etc.

Teaching Team
* Jad El-khoury (course responsible), jad@kth.se, 08-7906877
* Martin Edin Grimheden (examinor), mjg@kth.se, 08-7907797
* Hans Bengt Johansson (faculty), hbjo@kth.se, 08-7907490
* Fredrik Asplund (faculty), fasplund@kth.se, 08-7907405
* Staffan Qvarnström (Lab technician), staffan.qvarnstrom@md.kth.se, 08-7907392
Group email
* Teaching team: es1_teachers@md.kth.se
* All course participants: es1_2014@md.kth.se
Facilities and addresses
* Lectures and some tutorials are given in ‘KTH lecture rooms’. Please refer to the schedule for addresses.
* Laboratory exercises and some tutorials (refer to the schedule) are given in the Mechatronics and Wenström Labs. All course participants are given access to this lab after registration.
* The lab is located in the ‘Machine Design’ building, Brinellvägen 83, 3rd floor, room A332.
Examination Conditions Examination in this course consists of:

* LAB5 - Laborations, 3.0 credits, grade scale: P, F
* TEN2 - Examination, 3.0 credits, grade scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F
The final grade of the course is equivalent to the grade of TEN2.

You will be offered to do a mid-course written test - KS. Results from this KS can be then used as an alternative to answering an equivalent part in the final written examination TEN2. The KS results can only count for the coming ordinary exam (and cannot be carried over to future re-exams)

During the course, you may be offered to perform specific tasks that can then be used as an alternative to answering an equivalent part in the final written examination TEN2. These results can only count for the coming ordinary exam (and cannot be carried over to future re-exams)

Lab Reporting The reporting of each laboration consists of 2 parts:

* An oral presentation of your results to one of the teachers or lab assistants.
* A brief written report as defined in the lab hand-out, together with any program code developed.
Both parts need to be approved for a full approval of the laboration.

Each lab is expected to be delivered at the latest 2 weeks after the lab assignment is handed out.

* After 2 weeks, a student can no longer expect any support from the teaching team for that particular lab.
The deadline for the reporting of all laborations is Friday, December 2019th, 20134.

* After this deadline, If not all laborations are approved, then the laborations credits may not be reported - until the next time the course is given.
* After this deadline, a student can no longer expect any support from the teaching team, nor access lab equipment - until the next time the course is given.
Literature All course material and literature will be available on-line.

The Lecture Notes and the Mandatory Course Literature are covered in written exams.

Released: 03 Septem6 October 20134