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Module3: Distributed Systems


Getting started with CAN on AVR32


Version 2012-10-29


Version 2012-10-29


See "CAN-related equipment" under https://www.kth.se/social/course/MF2042/page/lab-equipment-2/ & https://www.kth.se/social/course/MF2042/page/can-related-file-downloads/ for Scania Dashboard datasheet, MCP2515 Datasheet, etc.

CAN Driver

Sample CAN program

Jad El-Khoury skapade sidan 5 juni 2012

Jad El-Khoury redigerade 5 september 2012

Lab1 instruction Version 2011-10-17

Lab2 instruction Lab exercise, version 2011-11-24¶

Tutorial and files Tutorial - Getting started with CAN on AVR32

Additional CAN files

* main.c

* can.c

* can.h

* regs2515.h
* API can

Jad El-Khoury redigerade 23 oktober 2012

Lab1 instruction Version 2011-10-17

Lab2 instruction Lab exercise, version 2011-11-24

Tutorial and files Tutorial - Getting started with CAN on AVR32

Additional CAN files

* main.c

* can.c

* can.h

* regs2515.h
* API can

Jad El-Khoury redigerade 29 oktober 2012

Lab1 instruction Version 2012-10-29

Lab2 instruction Version 2012-10-29

Tutorial and files Tutorial - Getting started with CAN on AVR32

SCANIA Dashboard manual

Additional CAN files

* main.c

* can.c

* can.h

* regs2515.h
* API can

Jad El-Khoury redigerade 29 oktober 2012

Lab1 instruction Version 2012-10-29

Lab2 instruction Version 2012-10-29

Tutorial and files Tutorial - Getting started with CAN on AVR32

SCANIA Dashboard manual

Additional CAN files

* main.c

* can.c

* can.h

* regs2515.h
* API can

Jad El-Khoury redigerade 2 november 2012

Lab1 instructionTutorial Getting started with CAN on AVR32¶

Version 2012-10-29

Lab2 instruction Version 2012-10-29

Tutorial and files Tutorial - Getting started with CAN on AVR32¶ SCANIA Dashboard manual¶ Additional CAN files¶
* main.c
Manuals/documents See "CAN-related equipment" under https://www.kth.se/social/course/MF2042/page/lab-equipment-2/ for Scania Dashboard datasheet, MCP2515 Datasheet, etc.¶

CAN Driver

* can.c

* can.h

* regs2515.h
* API can
Sample CAN program
* main.c

Jad El-Khoury redigerade 9 november 2012

Tutorial Getting started with CAN on AVR32

Lab1 Version 2012-10-29

Lab2 Version 2012-10-29

Manuals/documents See "CAN-related equipment" under https://www.kth.se/social/course/MF2042/page/lab-equipment-2/ & https://www.kth.se/social/course/MF2042/page/can-related-file-downloads/ for Scania Dashboard datasheet, MCP2515 Datasheet, etc.

CAN Driver
* can.c

* can.h

* regs2515.h
* API can
Sample CAN program
* main.c