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Här visas ändringar i "Lab Equipment" mellan 2012-07-24 23:44 av Jad El-Khoury och 2012-09-16 22:25 av Jad El-Khoury.

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Lab Equipment

AVR32 Microcontroller pPlatform, AVR32-system
* EVK1100, Evaluation Kit (Atmel)
* User

* Getting Started
* Board Schematics
* EVK1100 Wiki (@ avrfreaks)

* AVR32UC3A0512 microcontroller
* Preliminary Summary
* Manual
* Technical reference manual
* EVK1100 Wiki (avrfreaks)

* Manual

* AVR JTAGICE mkII, programmer and /debugger (Atmel)
AVR32 IDE: compiler, debugger etc.ntegrated Development Environment
* AVR32 Studio (Atmel) [note: we are using version 2.5 in the lab])
* Getting Started with AVR32 Studio
* AVR ONE! Quick-Start Guide (note: we do not use AVR ONE!, we use JTAGICE instead, but the guide is still relevant)

CAN-related equipment
* MCP2515 PICtail Plus Daughter Board, external CAN controller (Microchip)
* User Guide Board
* MCP2515 Datasheet (external CAN controller)
* MCP2551 Datasheet (CAN transciever)
* Understanding Microchips CAN Module Bit Timing

* Kvaser CAN dongle (Kvaser)
* CAN King, software framework

* Scania dashboard datasheet
Electronics CAD, simulation and PCB manufacturing
* National Instrument MultiSim, Electronics CAD
* National Instrument UltiBoard, PCB design
* Tutorial for the Mechatronics Lab, "The Dice"

Electronics measurement and analysis
* National Instument LabView
* DAQ, Data aquisition units
* Scope
* Function generators