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Version skapad av Jad El-Khoury 2011-10-06 22:19

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Course Program (Release Date: 04 October 2011)

Course Program, Fall 2011

See Course Plan for details on syllabus, examination conditions, course main content, eligibility, prerequisites, etc.

Teaching Team

  • Jad El-khoury (course responsible), jad@kth.se, 08-7906877
  • Martin Edin Grimheden (examinor), mjg@kth.se, 08-7907797         
  • Fredrik Asplund (faculty), fasplund@kth.se, 08-7907405
  • Sagar Behere (faculty), behere@kth.se, 08-7907372
  • Magnus Persson (faculty), magnper@md.kth.se, 08-7906318
  • Staffan Qvarnström (Lab technician), staffan.qvarnstrom@md.kth.se, 08-7907392
  • Virinchi Joglekar (teaching assistant), virinchi@kth.se
  • Martin Lindstedt (teaching assistant), mlindste@kth.se

Group email

  • Teaching team: es1_teachers@md.kth.se
  • All course participants: es1_2011@md.kth.se

Facilities and addresses

  • Lectures and some tutorials are given in ‘KTH lecture rooms’. Please refer to the schedule for addresses.
  • Laboratory exercises and some tutorials (refer to the schedule) are given in the Mechatronics and Wenström Labs. All course participants are given access to this lab after registration.
  • The lab is located in the ‘Machine Design’ building, Brinellvägen 83, 3rd floor, room A332.

Examination Conditions

Examination in this course consists of:

  • LAB2 - Laborations, 3.0 credits, grade scale: P, F
  • TEN2 - Examination, 3.0 credits, grade scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

The final grade of the course is equivalent to the grade of TEN2.

Lab Reporting

The reporting of each laboration consists of 2 parts:

  • An oral presentation of your results to one of the teachers or lab assistants.
  • A brief written report as defined in the lab hand-out, together with any program code developed.

Both parts need to be approved for a full approval of the laboration.

The deadline of each lab is 1 week after the lab assignment is handed out.

  • After the lab deadline has passed, a student can no longer expect any support from the teaching team for that particular lab.

The deadline for the reporting of all laborations is Monday 19th.

  • If not all laborations are approved before this deadline, then the laborations credits may not be reported until the next time the course is given.