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Version skapad av Jad El-Khoury 2011-09-29 15:39

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Course Program (Release Date: xx October 2011)

Course Program, Fall 2011

See Course Plan for details on Syllabus, Examination, course main content, eligibility, prerequisites, etc.

Teaching Team

  • Jad El-Khoury (faculty, course responsible); jad@kth.se, 08-790 6877
  • Martin Grimheden (examinor); mjg@kth.se, 08-790 7797
  • Magnus Persson (faculty); magnus.persson@md.kth.se, 08-790 6318
  • Staffan Qvarnström (lab technician); staffan.qvarnstrom@md.kth.se, 08-790 7392
  • XXX (teaching assistant); xxx@kth.se

Group email

  • Teaching team: es1_teachers@md.kth.se
  • All course participants: es1_2011@md.kth.se

Facilities and addresses

  • Lectures and some tutorials are given in ‘KTH lecture rooms’. Please refer to the schedule for addresses.
  • Laboratory exercises and some tutorials (refer to the schedule) are given in the Mechatronics and Wenström Labs. All course participants are given access to this lab after registration.
  • The lab is located in the ‘Machine Design’ building, Brinellvägen 83, 3rd floor, room A332.