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Här visas ändringar i "AVR32 - Files and installation instructions" mellan 2011-10-05 13:59 av Martin Edin Grimheden och 2011-10-05 14:00 av Martin Edin Grimheden.

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AVR32 - IFiles and installation instructions

Files AVR32 GNU Toolchain (GCC compiler etc) [version 2.4.2 used in the lab]

AVR32 Studio (Integrated development environment, IDE) [version 2.5.0 used in the lab]

AVR UC3 Software Framework [version 1.6.1 used in the lab]

Java SDK (is needed for AVR32)

Installation instructions Install the GNU Toolchain and AVR32 Studio. The UC3 Software Framework is not necessary, but can be used for reference. If needed also install Java SDK.