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December 2011
under HT 2011

Jad El-Khoury skapade sidan 28 september 2011

Jad El-Khoury taggade med embedded systems. 28 september 2011

Jad El-Khoury redigerade 28 september 2011

Mandatory literature, covered in written exams
* Microprocessor Design, Online Wikibook, PDF (2010-06-28)
* Embedded Systems, Online Wikibook, PDF (2010-06-28)
* CAN - Controller Area Network, Online from Wikipedia, PDF (2010-06-28)
* Program design, modelling (all material included in the lecture notes, below)
* Power Management
* CMOS, Online Wikibook, PDF (2010-09-02)

* MOSFET, Online Wikibook, PDF (2010-09-02)
* Moore's Law, Online Wikibook, PDF (2010-09-02)

Recommended reading C-Programming
* A Little C Primer, introduction to the C-programming Language
* C Programming

Lecture notes, covered in written exams Module1: Introduction ¶ Module2: Programming is a Craft ¶ Module3: CAN ¶ Module4: Power Management ¶ Module5: Distributed Systems ¶ Module6: Model-Based Development ¶ ¶ ¶

Martin Edin Grimheden redigerade 5 oktober 2011

Mandatory literature, covered in written exams
* Microprocessor Design, Online Wikibook, PDF (2010-06-281-10-05)
* Embedded Systems, Online Wikibook, PDF (2010-06-281-10-05)
* CAN - Controller Area Network, Online from Wikipedia, PDF (2010-06-281-10-05)
* Program design, modelling (all material included in the lecture notes, below)
* Power Management
* CMOS, Online Wikibook, PDF (2010-09-02)

* MOSFET, Online Wikibook, PDF (2010-09-02)
* Moore's Law, Online Wikibook, PDF (2010-09-02)

Recommended reading C-Programming
* A Little C Primer, introduction to the C-programming Language
* C Programming

Jad El-Khoury redigerade 18 november 2011

Mandatory literature, covered in written exams
* Microprocessor Design, Online Wikibook, PDF (2011-10-05)
* Embedded Systems, Online Wikibook, PDF (2011-10-05
Note:the literature consists of the Printout versions below. The Online version is provided for your convenience only. ¶

* Microprocessor Design, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online Wikibook)
* Embedded Systems, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online Wikibook
* CAN - Controller Area Network, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online from Wikipedia, PDF (2011-10-05)
* Program design, modelling (all material included in the lecture notes, below)
* Power Management
* CMOS, Online Wikibook, PDF (2010-09-02)

* MOSFET, Online Wikibook, PDF (2010-09-02)
* Moore's Law, Online Wikibook, PDF (2010-09-02
Printout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook)

* MOSFET, Printpout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook)
* Moore's Law, Printout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook

Recommended reading C-Programming
* A Little C Primer, introduction to the C-programming Language
* C Programming

Jad El-Khoury redigerade 18 november 2011

Mandatory literature, covered in written exams Note:the literature consists of the Printout versions below. The Online version is provided for your convenience only.

* Microprocessor Design, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online Wikibook)
* Embedded Systems, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online Wikibook)
* CAN - Controller Area Network, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online from Wikipedia)
* Program design, modelling (all material included in the lecture notes, below)
* Power Management
* CMOS, Printout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook)

* MOSFET, Printpout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook)
* Moore's Law, Printout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook)

Recommended reading C-Programming
* A Little C Primer, introduction to the C-programming Language
* C Programming

Jad El-Khoury redigerade 18 november 2011

Mandatory literature, covered in written exams Note:the literature consists of the Printout versions below. The Online version is provided for your convenience only.

* Microprocessor Design, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online Wikibook)
* Embedded Systems, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online Wikibook)
* CAN - Controller Area Network, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online from Wikipedia)
* Program design, modelling (all material included in the lecture notes, below)
* Power Management
* CMOS, Printout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook)
* MOSFET, Printpout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook)
* Moore's Law, Printout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook)

Recommended reading C-Programming
* A Little C Primer, introduction to the C-programming Language
* C Programming

Magnus Persson redigerade 12 december 2011

Mandatory literature, covered in written exams Note:the literature consists of the Printout versions below. The Online version is provided for your convenience only.

* Microprocessor Design, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online Wikibook)
* Embedded Systems, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online Wikibook)
* CAN - Controller Area Network, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online from Wikipedia)
* Program design, modelling (all material included in the lecture notes, below)
* Power Management
* CMOS, Printout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook)
* MOSFET, Printpout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook)
* Moore's Law, Printout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook)
Wikipedia 2011-12-12, Printout-2010-09-02
* MOSFET, Wikipedia 2011-12-12, Printpout-2010-09-02
* Moore's Law, Wikipedia 2011-12-12, Printout-2010-09-02
* Note: The latest versions of the Wikipedia articles are the more recommended ones, but they are mostly identical in content to last year's printouts in matter of content.

Recommended reading C-Programming
* A Little C Primer, introduction to the C-programming Language
* C Programming

Magnus Persson backade innehållet på sidan till en äldre version 13 december 2011

Magnus Persson redigerade 13 december 2011

Mandatory literature, covered in written exams Note:the literature consists of the Printout versions below. The Online version is provided for your convenience only.

* Microprocessor Design, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online Wikibook)
* Embedded Systems, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online Wikibook)
* CAN - Controller Area Network, Printout-2011-10-05 (Online from Wikipedia)
* Program design, modelling (all material included in the lecture notes, below)
* Power Management
* CMOS, Printout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook)
* MOSFET, Printpout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook)
* Moore's Law, Printout-2010-09-02 (Online Wikibook)
* Note: The printouts are from last year but the current versions (on the "online" links) are more or less equivalent in content.

Recommended reading C-Programming
* A Little C Primer, introduction to the C-programming Language
* C Programming

November 2011
HT 2011
En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
Oktober 2011
under HT 2011

Jad El-Khoury skapade sidan 28 september 2011

Jad El-Khoury taggade med embedded systems. 28 september 2011

Martin Edin Grimheden redigerade 17 oktober 2011

Module1: Introduction

Module2: Programming is a Craft

Module3: CAN

Module4: Power Management

Module5: Distributed Systems

Module6: Model-Based Development

Jad El-Khoury redigerade 23 oktober 2011

Module1: Introduction

Module2: Programming is a Craft

Module3: CAN

Module4: Power Management

Module5: Distributed Systems

Module6: Model-Based Development

Fredrik Asplund redigerade 31 oktober 2011

Module1: Introduction

Module2: Programming is a Craft

Module3: CAN

Module4: Power Management

Module5: Distributed Systems

Module6: Model-Based Development

HT 2011
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
HT 2011
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
HT 2011
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
HT 2011
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
HT 2011
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
HT 2011
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
HT 2011
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012