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5. AVR32 - files, installation, getting started


AVR32 GNU Toolchain (GCC compiler etc)

AVR32 Studio (Integrated development environment, IDE)

AVR UC3 Software Framework

Java SDK (is needed for AVR32)

Installation instructions

1. Install the GNU Toolchain and AVR32 Studio. The UC3 Software Framework is not necessary, but can be used for reference. If needed also install Java SDK.

2. Follow "getting started with AVR32 Studio" and "AVR ONE! Quick Start Guide" on This Page

Getting started with EVK1100

Here you can see how to setup the EVK1100 hardware and run an example program.

Getting started with EVK1100 (updated Sep 1, 2010)

Writing your own program

Here is a short tutorial for creating our own project, blinking leds and how to include your own c and h-files.

Writing your own program (AVR32 Studio) (updated Sep 10, 2010)

Debugging in AVR32 Studio

Sometimes it can be very useful to debug your program. This guide shows you that basics of how this is done in AVR32 Studio.

Debugging in AVR32 Studio

Getting started with CAN

This guide shows how to connect the MCP2515 board to the EVK1100 board and how to get started with CAN. Here you can also download the CAN drivers for the MCP2515 board.

Getting started with CAN

Additional files

Example code for use with Power Manager

Example how to use the DIP204-display

Jad El-Khoury skapade sidan 28 september 2011

Jad El-Khoury taggade med embedded systems. 28 september 2011

Lärare kommenterade 28 september 2011

Moved from "General Course pages"

Lärare kommenterade 28 september 2011

There's also a beta of AVR32 Studio 2.6 available from: http://www.atmel.no/beta_ware/

In this version the AVR32 Toolchain and Studio is included in a single package.

Lärare kommenterade 28 september 2011

One more...

Document "AVR32 LAB 1": Page 3, #include board.j should be #include "board.h"

Sorry again.

Lärare kommenterade 28 september 2011

Two corrections:

1) Document "Getting started with EVK1100": Page 5, UART_0 should be UART_1

2) Document "Writing your own program in AVR32 Studio: Page 2. One line missing. Immediately before while(1), insert the following:

AVR32_GPIO.port[1].oders = 1 <<27; enable output driver
