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Welcome to Systems engineering, MF2011 Spring 2013, 9 credits (period 3-4)


Systems engineering requires a holistic view and multidisciplinary cooperation and a systematic approach.

Desired effects, such as long life, small energy losses and good cooling, and undesired effects, such as high cost, high weight, large deformations, vibrations and noise are two types of technical effects that are intimately related to most mechanical and electromechanical systems. An  optimal technical design can be defined as the design that in the best possible way maximizes the most important desired effects and/or minimizes the most dominant undesired effects. For a design to be optimal from customer, as well as society and enterprise perspectives it must also possess many other important properties despite from purely technical properties. Development and design of advanced technical systems prerequisites a good treatment of technical complexity and uncertainty and efficient cooperation between individuals and groups of individuals with different types of competence. Collaborative tools are tools designed to help people involved in a common task achieve goals. Collaborative computer based tools, such as integrated CAD and CAE software, is the basis for computer supported collaborative engineering work.


The main goal is that the students shall develop their capabilities to treat systems engineering from a holistic and lifecycle perspective (interaction with the environment, existing and future customer needs and demands, the technological development, etc.). Further more, the course aims at that the students shall acquire a thorough knowledge of available methods and frameworks for product modeling (CAD), product data management (PDM), and geometry-based simulations (CAE), as well as industrially relevant strategies and methods for integrated management of all product information during the products entire lifecycle, i.e. product lifecycle management (PLM).

A student that has completed the course shall:

•        be able to integrate and apply component- and tribological knowledge to systems engineering;

•         be able to describe common models for planning and executing systems engineering;

•         have planned and performed a distributed collaborative technical design project with the support from a master CAD-model and related simulation models;

•         have applied systematic function analysis and synthesis;

•         have performed a DSM-based analysis of the architecture of a complex product;

•         be able to describe the most industrially relevant  product model standards and neutral formats that enable collaborative engineering, and be able to discuss their pros and cons;

•          have performed a simulation with a condensed FE model;

•          have performed a qualitative risk analysis with the aid of Fault-Tree Analysis (FTA);

•          be able to elaborate on the business motives for using PDM-, PLM-, CAD- and CAE-in technical development and engineering;

Course coordinator and examiner

Ulf Sellgren KTH Machine Design

E-mail: ulfse@kth.se

Office phone: 08-7907387